Back Pain and Age

There are certain factors that can increase the likelihood that a person will experience back pain, and age is one of them. In fact, many medical professionals believe age is the biggest contributor because older adult back pain is so common. Why? Often, it’s because as we age the discs between the vertebrae of the spine break down, become thin, and deteriorate. But there are numerous other factors associated with aging that make people more likely to experience back pain.

Most people will experience back pain for the first time between the ages of 30 and 40. With each passing year back pain becomes more frequent and common.   Osteoporosis is the most common problem as we age.  Calcium and Vitamin deficiency can cause problem with our bones at any age, but is much more common in the elderly.   The bones can become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue typically from hormonal changes and diet. 

Geriatric Back Pain Treatment

Back pain is estimated to affect more than 70% of the elderly population. Treatment for geriatric back pain can be more complex, therefore the problem can be harder to correct. For one, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which many people use for relief from back pain, are riskier to use if you’re 65 or older. This is because we experience metabolic and pharmacokinetic changes as we age, which can make an elderly person more susceptible to overdoses.

Issues like osteoporosis also increase with age, and physical activity may be more challenging. Unfortunately, this creates a scenario where the formation of chronic pain is more likely. Taking preventative measures to avoid older adult back pain becomes increasingly more important as we age.

Geriatric back pain should also be treated immediately. A physician should first determine whether the pain is caused by a mechanical issue, injury, or illness.  Daily treatments like exercise and stretches can both treat and prevent back pain caused by mechanical issues, but other steps may be needed to treat pain that is caused by injury or illness. 

The BAKRELEF or any decompression devise may not be advisable for the elderly.  Check with your physician before using it.